Today, I found a fun site for inspirations for web design ideas. It's called "Web Creme" and contains links to various websites with fun and interesting designs. (to see it click here:

The first website I discovered was the portfolio site of Neil Judges ( As you navigate through this site, the character on the page stays in the same location while his clothing and backgrounds change, much like a paper doll. It's really quite hilarious, with funny outfits including jet-packs or hot tubs. I love how he took something simple like paper dolls, and by applying it to a website, it became a really clever idea.

Another one i found was "Design and Code" by Nick Jones ( This one has some interesting scrolling features. It starts as just a normal webpage, but as you scroll down, instead of the page scrolling a black rectangle appears and grows to show links to other parts of the websites. When clicked on, these links show up in their own rectangles that can be scrolled through. I liked it because it was a clever and unique way of scrolling through options on a site.
The final one I found was "My Dirty Desk" by the My Dirty Desk design studio ( I just love the overall design of this site. The fun cartoon-like characters, the simple shapes and color scheme, the nice typography, and the large diagonal shapes that continue as you scroll down all make for a site that is both simple and fun in it's design.
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